Simplon Dorf | sinistro

Casa Mocellini

Sport route


Ascents of Casa Mocellini

Pictures of Casa Mocellini

More routes in Simplon Dorf

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Stradineri (3 ascents) Simplon Dorf 6b
Thesi (2 ascents) Simplon Dorf 7b
Viper (6 ascents) Simplon Dorf 6c
Zebra ad Infinitum (4 ascents) Simplon Dorf 6c+
Hip hop on the top (5 ascents) Simplon Dorf 7a
Hippiehasser (3 ascents) Simplon Dorf 7a
villabajo (3 ascents) Simplon Dorf 6a+
Andre am Bolzen (2 ascents) Simplon Dorf 7a+